Function sp_state_machine::key_changes_proof_check [−][src]
pub fn key_changes_proof_check<'a, H: Hasher, Number: BlockNumber>(
config: ConfigurationRange<'a, Number>,
roots_storage: &dyn RootsStorage<H, Number>,
proof: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
begin: Number,
end: &AnchorBlockId<H::Out, Number>,
max: Number,
storage_key: Option<&PrefixedStorageKey>,
key: &[u8]
) -> Result<Vec<(Number, u32)>, String> where
H::Out: Encode,
Expand description
Check key changes proof and return changes of the key at given blocks range.
is the number of best known block.
Changes are returned in descending order (i.e. last block comes first).