Trait pallet_multisig::pallet::Config[][src]

pub trait Config: Config {
    type Event: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::Event>;
    type Call: Parameter + Dispatchable<Origin = Self::Origin, PostInfo = PostDispatchInfo> + GetDispatchInfo + From<Call<Self>>;
    type Currency: ReservableCurrency<Self::AccountId>;
    type DepositBase: Get<<<Self as Config>::Currency as Currency<<Self as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>;
    type DepositFactor: Get<<<Self as Config>::Currency as Currency<<Self as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>;
    type MaxSignatories: Get<u16>;
    type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
Expand description

Configuration trait of this pallet.

Implement this type for a runtime in order to customize this pallet.

Associated Types

The overarching event type.

The overarching call type.

The currency mechanism.

The base amount of currency needed to reserve for creating a multisig execution or to store a dispatch call for later.

This is held for an additional storage item whose value size is 4 + sizeof((BlockNumber, Balance, AccountId)) bytes and whose key size is 32 + sizeof(AccountId) bytes.

The amount of currency needed per unit threshold when creating a multisig execution.

This is held for adding 32 bytes more into a pre-existing storage value.

The maximum amount of signatories allowed in the multisig.

Weight information for extrinsics in this pallet.


impl Config for Runtime