Crate test_runner[−][src]
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Test runner
Substrate Test Runner
Allows you to test
- Migrations
- Runtime Upgrades
- Pallets and general runtime functionality.
This works by running a full node with a Manual Seal-BABE™ hybrid consensus for block authoring.
The running node has no signature verification, which allows us author extrinsics for any account on chain.How do I Use this?
use test_runner::{Node, ChainInfo, SignatureVerificationOverride, base_path, NodeConfig}; use sc_finality_grandpa::GrandpaBlockImport; use sc_service::{ TFullBackend, TFullClient, Configuration, TaskManager, new_full_parts, BasePath, DatabaseConfig, KeepBlocks, TransactionStorageMode, ChainSpec, Role, config::{NetworkConfiguration, KeystoreConfig}, }; use std::sync::Arc; use sp_inherents::InherentDataProviders; use sc_consensus_babe::BabeBlockImport; use sp_keystore::SyncCryptoStorePtr; use sp_keyring::sr25519::Keyring::{Alice, Bob}; use node_cli::chain_spec::development_config; use sp_consensus_babe::AuthorityId; use manual_seal::{ConsensusDataProvider, consensus::babe::BabeConsensusDataProvider}; use sp_runtime::{traits::IdentifyAccount, MultiSigner, generic::Era}; use sc_executor::WasmExecutionMethod; use sc_network::{multiaddr, config::TransportConfig}; use sc_client_api::execution_extensions::ExecutionStrategies; use sc_informant::OutputFormat; use sp_api::TransactionFor; type BlockImport<B, BE, C, SC> = BabeBlockImport<B, C, GrandpaBlockImport<BE, B, C, SC>>; sc_executor::native_executor_instance!( pub Executor, node_runtime::api::dispatch, node_runtime::native_version, SignatureVerificationOverride, ); struct Requirements; impl ChainInfo for Requirements { /// Provide a Block type with an OpaqueExtrinsic type Block = node_primitives::Block; /// Provide an Executor type for the runtime type Executor = Executor; /// Provide the runtime itself type Runtime = node_runtime::Runtime; /// A touch of runtime api type RuntimeApi = node_runtime::RuntimeApi; /// A pinch of SelectChain implementation type SelectChain = sc_consensus::LongestChain<TFullBackend<Self::Block>, Self::Block>; /// A slice of concrete BlockImport type type BlockImport = BlockImport< Self::Block, TFullBackend<Self::Block>, TFullClient<Self::Block, Self::RuntimeApi, Self::Executor>, Self::SelectChain, >; /// and a dash of SignedExtensions type SignedExtras = node_runtime::SignedExtra; /// Create your signed extras here. fn signed_extras( from: <Self::Runtime as frame_system::Config>::AccountId, ) -> Self::SignedExtension { let nonce = frame_system::Pallet::<Self::Runtime>::account_nonce(from); ( frame_system::CheckSpecVersion::<Self::Runtime>::new(), frame_system::CheckTxVersion::<Self::Runtime>::new(), frame_system::CheckGenesis::<Self::Runtime>::new(), frame_system::CheckMortality::<Self::Runtime>::from(Era::Immortal), frame_system::CheckNonce::<Self::Runtime>::from(nonce), frame_system::CheckWeight::<Self::Runtime>::new(), pallet_transaction_payment::ChargeTransactionPayment::<Self::Runtime>::from(0), ) } /// The function signature tells you all you need to know. ;) fn create_client_parts(config: &Configuration) -> Result< ( Arc<TFullClient<Self::Block, Self::RuntimeApi, Self::Executor>>, Arc<TFullBackend<Self::Block>>, KeyStorePtr, TaskManager, InherentDataProviders, Option<Box< dyn ConsensusDataProvider< Self::Block, Transaction = TransactionFor< TFullClient<Self::Block, Self::RuntimeApi, Self::Executor>, Self::Block >, > >>, Self::SelectChain, Self::BlockImport ), sc_service::Error > { let ( client, backend, keystore, task_manager, ) = new_full_parts::<Self::Block, Self::RuntimeApi, Self::Executor>(config)?; let client = Arc::new(client); let inherent_providers = InherentDataProviders::new(); let select_chain = sc_consensus::LongestChain::new(backend.clone()); let (grandpa_block_import, ..) = sc_finality_grandpa::block_import(client.clone(), &(client.clone() as Arc<_>), select_chain.clone())?; let (block_import, babe_link) = sc_consensus_babe::block_import( sc_consensus_babe::Config::get_or_compute(&*client)?, grandpa_block_import, client.clone(), )?; let consensus_data_provider = BabeConsensusDataProvider::new( client.clone(), keystore.clone(), &inherent_providers, babe_link.epoch_changes().clone(), vec![(AuthorityId::from(Alice.public()), 1000)] ) .expect("failed to create ConsensusDataProvider"); Ok(( client, backend, keystore, task_manager, inherent_providers, Some(Box::new(consensus_data_provider)), select_chain, block_import )) } fn dispatch_with_root(call: <Self::Runtime as frame_system::Config>::Call, node: &mut Node<Self>) { let alice = MultiSigner::from(Alice.public()).into_account(); // for chains that support sudo, otherwise, you'd have to use pallet-democracy here. let call = pallet_sudo::Call::sudo(Box::new(call)); node.submit_extrinsic(call, alice); node.seal_blocks(1); } } /// And now for the most basic test #[test] fn simple_balances_test() { // given let config = NodeConfig { execution_strategies: ExecutionStrategies { syncing: sc_client_api::ExecutionStrategy::NativeWhenPossible, importing: sc_client_api::ExecutionStrategy::NativeWhenPossible, block_construction: sc_client_api::ExecutionStrategy::NativeWhenPossible, offchain_worker: sc_client_api::ExecutionStrategy::NativeWhenPossible, other: sc_client_api::ExecutionStrategy::NativeWhenPossible, }, chain_spec: Box::new(development_config()), log_targets: vec![], }; let mut node = Node::<Requirements>::new(config).unwrap(); type Balances = pallet_balances::Pallet<node_runtime::Runtime>; let (alice, bob) = (Alice.pair(), Bob.pair()); let (alice_account_id, bob_acount_id) = ( MultiSigner::from(alice.public()).into_account(), MultiSigner::from(bob.public()).into_account() ); /// the function with_state allows us to read state, pretty cool right? :D let old_balance = node.with_state(|| Balances::free_balance(alice_account_id.clone())); // 70 dots let amount = 70_000_000_000_000; /// Send extrinsic in action. node.submit_extrinsic(BalancesCall::transfer(bob_acount_id.clone(), amount), alice_account_id.clone()); /// Produce blocks in action, Powered by manual-seal™. node.seal_blocks(1); /// we can check the new state :D let new_balance = node.with_state(|| Balances::free_balance(alice_account_id)); /// we can now make assertions on how state has changed. assert_eq!(old_balance + amount, new_balance); }
Use this to override host functions. eg
This holds a reference to a running node on another thread, the node process is dropped when this struct is dropped also holds logs from the process.
Provides host functions that overrides runtime signature verification to always return true.
Provide the config or chain spec for a given chain
Wrapper trait for concrete type required by this testing framework.
Base db path gotten from env
Build a tokio runtime with all features
Creates all the client parts you need for Node
Produces a default configuration object, suitable for use with most set ups.
Produce a task executor given a handle to a tokio runtime