pub fn new_worker_and_service<Client, Network, Block, DhtEventStream>(
client: Arc<Client>,
network: Arc<Network>,
dht_event_rx: DhtEventStream,
role: Role,
prometheus_registry: Option<Registry>
) -> (Worker<Client, Network, Block, DhtEventStream>, Service) where
Block: BlockT + Unpin + 'static,
Network: NetworkProvider,
Client: ProvideRuntimeApi<Block> + Send + Sync + 'static + HeaderBackend<Block>,
<Client as ProvideRuntimeApi<Block>>::Api: AuthorityDiscoveryApi<Block>,
DhtEventStream: Stream<Item = DhtEvent> + Unpin,
Expand description
Create a new authority discovery Worker
and Service
See the struct documentation of each for more details.